Community Center

Rental-Date Request Form
Requested hall-rental dates are NOT reserved UNLESS request is confirmed by the hall coordinator.
Community Center
6306 Avon Lake Road
Spencer, OH 44275
Community Center Scheduler
Janet Newcomer
(330) 667-2620
Pricing and Information:
Meeting Rooms are $30.00 for the first hour and $15.00 for each additional hour
Gymnasium is $250.00 for an all day rental
Gymnasium is $125.00 for a four hour or less rental
Gymnasium sporting events are $15.00 for the first hour and $10.00 for each additional hour
Kitchen rental is an additional $25.00 fee
Meeting Room Security Deposit is $25.00
Key Deposit is $40.00
Gymnasium Deposit is $125.00, $250.00 w/alcohol
Athletic Gymnasium Deposit is $125.00
Joyce Siman Pavilion is available to use for a donation to a specified cancer foundation
No fees are charged to our community youth groups